Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My sweded review of Be Kind Rewind - it's only 33 words long.

In the interest of getting it done, I present a short form review of my most anticipated film of 2008. I'm just too tired to write more.

Gondry's imagination never fails to captivate me. Who would think of magnetic urine? Jack Black was still pretty much Jack Black, but Mos Def's character was fresh - no one we've ever seen before.


Curtis said...
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Curtis said...

Yeah, I dig Kimya Dawson. Her show will probably be pretty mellow, but I'm thinking...dinner, cocktails, and a great evening of storytelling. I think she's interesting, witty, funny, and talented.

Absolut Rufus said...

I had no idea what "sweded" meant and while I feel I will always lag behind you in pop culture what with you being tragically hip and all, I felt like I had to see the movie to find out. Thanks for the nudge, I really enjoyed that movie (and raved about it elsewhere).