Saturday, October 6, 2007

Thanks for using me

Well, If anyone talked to me on Monday, they would remember that I was excited about The Blow show, and about having free passes to The Darjeeling Limited. In the end, we didn't get to the screening soon enough, which was fine. So, I waited, and caught an early show after work last night.

I've always had mixed feelings about Wes Anderson's films. There are certain things I love about them, but I do always want just a little bit more. A little bit more of what, exactly, I'm not sure. Rushmore is still by far my favorite. But, I think the Darjeeling Limited might be sneaking in just ahead of the tenenbaums for the number two position.

There weren't quite as many laughs as I wanted, but it was beautifully shot. And I liked the characters, especially Adrien Brody's Peter (he's not too hard on the eyes, either.) I feel like there's quite a bit missing in the implied "way they were raised," but I like the dynamic between the three brothers, and I appreciate that the serious midsection of the film where the boys find themselves in a small village, where language prevents them from saying the stupid things they probably normally would in that situation, was pretty genuine.

And let's just face it. I absolutely love trains.

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